January 2016

I am still waiting for a couple of competition results from 2015, but in the meantime,

  • I have submitted two entries - Boat Child and Numbered Days - for the Reader's Digest 100-word competition.

  • Popshot , a wonderful, illustrated literary magazine, is looking for writing on the theme of 'Adventure'. I have submitted two poems to them - Striking Gold and Hiatus on a Boulder.

  • I am just about to send off my submission to Writing Magazine's Annual Humorous Short Story Competition.

  • Three Drops from a Cauldron are seeking submissions for a forthcoming anthology on the theme of witches and witchcraft. I have submitted a poem called The Dwelling and a piece of flash fiction called He should have worn a scarf

Update: I was unsuccessful with my Popshots submission, but Three Drops from a Cauldron have accepted my poem called The Dwelling.

In January, too, I was approached by a blogger, Dan Buri, who asked if I would write an article on his blog about marketing for children's writers. (I am also a children's author). My article consisted of two parts:

Ten Marketing Tips for Children's Authors

How to organise your classroom visit

I worked hard to spread the word across social media, and, as a result, Dan told me that my articles has had more hits in three days than any other feature on his blog!
