September 2016

Every year I enter the Adult Fairy Story Competition run by Writing Magazine, and have been shortlisted once or twice. It's a great genre - so much fun to write! I now have nearly enough to publish a collection. I entered a story today which I'd completely forgotten about called High Jinks at the Thomas's. In fact, I had just finished another adult fairy story which will have to wait until next year's competition. There's nothing like being ahead of the game!

Update: My story did not get chosen :(

With a deadline of 5th December, Mslexia is requesting submissions on the theme of 'Guilty'. I had several pieces which seemed to fit the brief, but I settled on a poem called 'The Ferryman' and a short story called 'Split Decision'. Those chosen will feature in Issue 73 in March.

I had heard of The Moth poetry magazine, but until recently, I had no idea that The Caterpillar also exists. It is a wonderful magazine for children featuring short stories, poetry and art. I submitted six children's poems to them.

Update: The poems I sent were not quite the right fit, but they asked for more. News of that second submission in a later post!

I was lucky enough to win September's One Word Challenge, a monthly competition run by Writing Magazine's Writers' Talkback. The theme was 'Balance' and my poem, 'Attendance' can be read on the Poetry tab of this website (in the 'Tasters' section).
