November 2016

Not many submissions this month! I was busy instead redesigning some of my book covers.

I finally entered the Reader's Digest 100-word flash fiction competition. The online form was terribly frustrating. When the competition opened, I tried numerous times to enter my piece, but as soon as my details were entered, it took me to the children's form. I tried again a few weeks later. The form issue had been resolved, but this time when I pasted it my entry, it told me, ' Your entry should be 100 words exactly'. Yes. I know. It was 100 words according to the word count on Word! Grrr!!! The annoying part of it was that it didn't tell me if I was over or under according to their system. I withdrew my entry and finally used the email system (with a note to confirm the word count). The shortlist will be out in February.

I received a copy of Full Moon and Foxglove in which I have a poem published.

Amazon ran a competition for a new take on Twas the Night Before Christmas. It was free entry so I had a bash. The results will be out at the beginning of December.

And, finally, I sent off a couple of pieces to Maverick, who put out a submission call for children's picture books. There is a six month wait...
