March 2017

Not so much to report this month!

Looking through my catalogue of writing, I noticed a few 100-worders which had not been published anywhere, so I thought I'd try my luck and send three off to the National Flash Fiction Micro-Fiction Award. The bonus was that it was FREE to enter! Results are out on 24th June.

I had my second piece published on Visual Verse. It was a poem entitled 'Epilogue' which was inspired by a picture of a hand. I have pasted my entry on the Poetry tab of this website.

Visual Verse tweeted my poem with this lovely comment:

'A beautifully reflective poem wrapped in astute corporeal detail.'

I received another lovely comment from a new Twitter follower who wrote:

'That’s quite a lot of brilliant…'

and then I read, 'Wow, stunning' from another.

I was delighted!

I also spent a long time writing an editing a story for the Mslexia Short Fiction Competition. It was science-fiction, a genre which I never usually read or write, but I had an idea and ran with it!

I posted three pieces of flash fiction on a new website called Commaful where you can animate stories with pre-loaded photographs. I haven't really explored the site thoroughly yet, but here are my three offerings using three pieces of flash:


Bluebell Wood


The month's not over yet. I wonder if I'll write anything else...

One more thing: at the very end of the month I submitted a 100-word piece to Little Ms (Mslexia), prompted by a photograph. I used the title 'Empty'.
