2020 Poems-a-Plenty

Updated: Jun 17, 2020

Having written a tweet-length flash every SINGLE day of 2019 - yes, that's 365 - I decided to change Twack (Twitter track... keep up!) this year and, without being such a slave to the cause, write a piece of poetry as and when inspiration struck, based on prompt words supplied each day in a 'vss365' challenge (i.e. 'very short story' which, fortunately for my plan, can also include poetry).

I couldn't decide what to do with them at first, and then I remembered this long-neglected blog - the perfect place to line 'em up.

It's May now, so I am now about to scroll back to the mists of time (i.e. January 2020) and find and post what I've done so far.

Strap yourselves in and get ready for the ride...
