Conjuring Marble into Cloud
Grenfell, where Souls Billow
Your skin was the silken wrapping of an exquisite gift;
it was not you.
Your bones were the sculpted struts of an elegant frame;
they were not you.
Your blood was the ebb and flow which washed the darkened shores;
it was not you.
Your fingerprints were maps of where you had been, and where you would go;
they were not you.
The dust that remains chokes me,
but it is not you.
You were deep inside all that,
and panoramic outside all that.
You were and are
a weightless energy that still fills my space,
a close-grained soul, dense with the essence of you.
I am awash, brimful of your spirit,
quenched by your unfiltered memory
which is thick and palpable
and feeds me.
Your soul is not a feather which wafts on a breeze;
I am swathed in it,
heavy with it.
The flames devoured your flesh, but they set your spirit free –
and that is the part that is you.
First published in Poems for Grenfell Tower (Onslaught)