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June 2017

At the beginning of the month, I received an invitation to submit to Bare Fiction, a literary magazine which provides a platform for poetry, fiction and plays. I sent off a grisly piece of flash entitled 'The Artist'.


I was lucky enough recently to have a poem published in Popshot which you can read here.

The editor, Jacob, is currently looking for 'Light-themed' writing for a forthcoming issue, so I sent off two poems and one short story.

The inspiration for the poems came from photographs. I love looking at the detail in visual images. It's a caught moment in time which means that you have that opportunity to capture its essence in words which can be lost when trying to articulate a memory.


I also came across a new writing opportunity. The Liars' League invites writers to compose a story to a theme each month. A few are shortlisted and read by actors in The Phoenix Pub, Cavendish Square, London, and the winner is awarded £100 (not sure that's always the case).

The theme for June was 'Heads and Tails'. I did submit, but didn't make the shortlist. It's something I'll continue to look out for, though. It seems like a good night out and has been heralded as one of the top five places for storytelling in London.


And finally, I had a poem published by Visual Verse again this month. If you click on the link, you can see the visual prompt - a grotesque sea creature/mermaid. My poem, 'Hypnosis' is on p. 40. You can also read it on the Poetry tab here.

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