I love to personify the sea. For some reason, probably terror, it always takes on evil traits. The interesting prompt word for this...

I'm sure we've all heard dreadful stories about young girls enduring abortions. Of course, the heartbreak isn't limited by age. The...

Yes, the subject of death again. Sorry.

This was just before the pandemic, but still there seemed a need to take a breath...

I wrote a similar poem about a little girl finding her mother on the floor after a bout of domestic abuse. The idea reappeared with the...

I have been tagging lots of my writing by subject in Word. I seem to have something of an unhealthy writing obsession as, by far, the...

Again, these lines were reworked from a longer version of this poem. I thought it worked well for 'enchantment' since music can be quite...

I had a piece of flash published along these lines. The concept translated well into poetry. As I was unable to fit all of this into a...

I once wrote a fairly long poem about a child escaping the torment of parents yelling at each other. It was difficult to skim it down,...

I love what can happen in dreams... anything. The word which inspired this piece was 'fantasy'; I suppose that's what dreams are.