What a performance!
Part of being a poet - and I think I am correct in saying that this doesn't apply as much to writers in general - is that there is some expectation that, at some point, you are going to 'perform' to an audience... which is waaaayyyy out of the comfort zone of most of us!
Several years ago, I was persuaded by my uncle (both actor and writer!) to take up an open mic slot along with him at the Cheltenham Literary Festival. The time limit was specified to within the second. It wasn't long at all, so we both practised until we had it bang on the time limit... and off we set!
After a swift gin and tonic, I was called. I think I read three pieces. My legs were shaking behind the lectern, but apparently, I appeared calm and collected. It was actually exhilarating, and afterwards, the professional performance poet who had been hired to spice up the event and show us how it's really done, sought me out to say how much he had enjoyed my set. That was incredibly affirming for me.

Rolling forward, I managed a few short story readings in the local library (that was my poster, left; there's a photo somewhere...) and also in a residential home for the elderly, where I have been invited back year after year...
But it wasn't until last summer that I put myself out there once again as a 'performing poet'. I was invited by Black Bough Poetry's editor, Matthew MC Smith, to feature at a wonderful festival of poetry in Neath with a host of brilliant poets, well used to the circuit.
It was a fantastically rewarding experience, and I was overwhelmed at the most amazing feedback.
I would post photos/videos at this point... if I could find them.
*makes note to look for missing photos
I haven't done any live readings since, but what I have done is to unearth a tentatively created YouTube channel - 'Nell and her Poetry'. There's not much on there... yet, but it is a way of gaining confidence without seeing the whites of an audience's eyes! I have also taken part in lots of Zoom poetry events which has been so inspiring. On the 12th December, I have been invited to share a few poems at Louise Longson's Zoom event, and I am honestly not worried at all, so something must be falling into place!
Anyway, here's my latest poetry video - 'Brilliance'.