That autumn, I finally stumbled upon The Hoot, the forest abode of the enigmatic Owl Man. His sculptures led me to the sawdust-strewn entrance of the barn, from where a rough rasping emanated. Back to me, he was at work. As I coughed, his head rotated 180 degrees.

'Obstreperous little boys get locked in the attic.'
Nanny beat every syllable on to the back of John's hand with her bamboo cane.
Swollen and sore, he sat in the tiny square of light, turning the heavy candlestick over in his hands.
Surprising what was hidden up there.

#obstreperous 2
Jack threw back his head. Screamed. Banged his fists on the table. Grains of salt jumped in time.
'Obstreperous brat,' a woman said.
I wiped the chocolate cake from his mouth and led him out.
'Enjoy your treat?'
He threw his arms around my neck and gave me a wet kiss.

#online and #kidnap
'Meeting strangers who you've only met online is a dangerous game,' I warn them. 'Anything could happen - rape, murder...'
I flick the switch; the lightbulb momentarily glows then dies.
'Be thankful this is just kidnap.'
I lock the cellar door.