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So the riddle is this:

One by one, every cell that once made me melted and died. Little lights shutting off. Then one by one, tiny lit blooms opened, scented bouquets delivered without celebration.

So, I put it to you, Your Honour, this man that you see here is innocent.


A rainbow drips into a puddle. The noise has stilled the rustle in the hedgerow; every shuddering leaf now waits. At twilight, a trill of birds breaks the silence and against the rubiginous sky, a frenzy of bats scatter over the silhouette: car and tree, still in embrace.

#ritual 2 #relax

He still liked a killing, but had become uneasy about being 'the killer'. He slathered on the strawberry jam, salivating, then let them out, settling behind the glass, relaxed, as she writhed and they stung her to death.

His new ritual was the bees' knees.

Tiny Tales by Helen Laycock

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