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One last balk against the restraints. Sykes sneered as the lethal injection coursed through his veins. As expected, he found himself in a tunnel, but instead of white light, he tumbled into searing scarlet, the perpetual screams of all his victims the road trip music.


Jed's body was confined to a cell, but not his mind. He read voraciously, becoming obsessed with the existence of the perfect cuboid. Within a year, his walls were covered in formulae, and finally proof of his theorem.

The deep clean team thought they had worked hard too.


A breeze prickled her skin, waking her. Snuggling closer to Joe, her palm slid over his familiar topology, sweeping across the concave dip of his belly, strumming his ribs, cupping his shoulders and following the curve to his neck.

She stopped.

Joe didn't have a beard.


Gina's notebooks were filled with angry overlapping triangles. Pen gripped in her fist, she pushed so hard that it bit ragged lines into the page. That sudden sharp change of direction focused her away from the shard of broken glass; the scars would now only be on paper.


All day they inhale the damp breath of the forest and funnel out their own.

Skin after gnarly skin imprints on theirs as they embrace each tree, their heartbeats quivering through its rings.

At dark, each tree pines, and walks on its roots as they sleep, wanting more.

Tiny Tales by Helen Laycock

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