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September 2017

All writers experience that dry period where they feel they have nothing left to say (Oh... just me?), so it's great to have a little nudge of inspiration. This is where Visual Verse comes up trumps! The image prompts sometimes mystify, but eventually you get there.

This month, the stimulus was a painting by Alberto Garduno. As always, writers have their own interpretations, but I eventually wrote a poem entitled Waiting for the Wall-Builders.


It's always nice to get published in a good quality magazine; Ambit is one. I sent off a short story to Kate and Briony, the editors. I no longer hold my breath waiting for a positive response...


I made a list of goals this month.


I have a new children's book which I have yet to proffer to agents or publishers - so that's what I need to do!

I did make one submission to David Higham - but it 'was not for them'.

It takes a little time to get a submission package ready. The usual scenario is to include:

  • a synopsis

  • the first three chapters

  • a covering letter.

On rare occasions a CV is also requested.

I have also seen a specific submission form to be completed for some agents/publishers. All of this is usually done online.



This one may take some time to get right. I have been thinking about setting up a YouTube channel where I read chapters of my children's books, a la Jackanory.



In the same vein, I keep meaning to contact local schools where I can give regular readings...



This is to submit a selection of poems to Nine Arches Press


By the way, if you join lots of writers groups on Facebook, you get to hear about competition and submission opportunities. Did you know that there is a Save button so that you can keep this information together in a safe place?

If you'd like to follow/like my Author Page, here it is: Helen Laycock, Author


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