September Submissions
On the first of each month, look out for the image on Visual Verse. You then have an hour to produce between 50-500 words inspired by it....

Jogging through June and July
Just where did that time go? The highlight of June for me was being asked to be one of the four leads on Visual Verse, my favourite...

Ambling through April
I say 'ambling' as nothing much happened in the world of writing. I did have a poem published by Visual Verse. Originally, it was called...

Marching into March
OK, it is now May. I started this post in March, but before I knew it, May was upon me - and April must have made a brief appearance...

September 2017
All writers experience that dry period where they feel they have nothing left to say (Oh... just me?), so it's great to have a little...

July 2017
Submitting to Visual Verse has become something of a monthly compulsion; I think it's to do with the challenge. It's never an easy image...

May 2017
Last year, I had a go at playwriting. I submitted a short to Pint-Sized Plays, and was delighted when I was longlisted and then...

April 2017
Well, what a frugal month! My writing brain has been a little like Mother Hubbard's cupboard... I did manage to produce 700 words in...

March 2017
Not so much to report this month! Looking through my catalogue of writing, I noticed a few 100-worders which had not been published...

February 2017
I am a member of The Poetry Society and get regular copies of The Poetry Review, which are jam-packed with fabulous poetry, interviews...