This was April 16th's piece, based on the word 'desolation'. It was on everyone's mind. All over the world, streets were deserted. I did...

In her dream...
The story of love, and a tragic ending. Death is never far from my thoughts. The word given to writers was 'tumbling'. I love that word...

I love the idea of a secret place where children play, or lovers meet. The prompt word for this piece was 'shelter'.

Another moment of contemplation about life. The prompt word was 'road'.

Moon Eyes
This poem was written on April 10th, a few days after a pink moon. It was something to unite everyone, all inside their houses but...

So many deaths from Covid. What must it be like to watch a loved one die? What wouldn't you do to keep them alive? Japanese legend has it...

Through the window
Life was now an indoor version of the life we had all known, and windows the only way to see outside...

Come April, with no sign of the pandemic going away, it was on everyone's mind. More and more, it influenced my writing.

I chose my own title, as I often do. The word we were given to write about was 'zarf'. Yes, it's a strange word, isn't it? It's an...

And here I am, flitting back to appreciating the good in the world again.